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MiTek Industries is part of MiTek Europe/Africa, with our parent company MiTek inc. located in St. Louis, USA. MiTek’s production facilities in Sweden, Finland, England, the Czech Republic and South Africa supply the regional markets with certified, quality assured products. MiTek Industries specialises in the development of software solutions for timber construction as well as the manufacture and sale of steel fasteners for roof, ceiling, wall and floor systems.

Latest MiTek news

Arkos Home in Insjön: Innovative Wooden Construction with Posi-Joist

The family-owned company Arkos Home, based in Insjön, is a dynamic business focused on timber. They produce everything from prefabricated construction components to complete houses for both export and the Swedish market. The Posi-Joist flooring system has become an essential and widely used component in Arkos Home’s building projects. Arkos Home has collaborated with MiTek

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