Don’t hesitate to contact us if you require more information regarding our products or services.

Contacts regarding Mitek products and services outside Sweden can be found here.

MiTek Skellefteå

Gymnasievägen 16

MiTek Tranås

Fredriksbergsgatan 1
573 92 TRANÅS

BOX 210
573 23 TRANÅS

Invoices - Skellefteå

Invoices - Tranås

NamePhoneEmailJob TitleDescriptionCity
Tomas Holmlund+46 (0)910 610 477
+46 (0)70 563 19 73
tomas.holmlund@mii.comRegional Director, Manager Technical & Engineering Services Sales - SoftwareSkellefteå
Mikael Öggesjö+46 (0)140 38 50 52mikael.oggesjo@mii.comFinancial ControllerFinance TranåsTranås
Marléne Lundqvist+46 (0)910 610 475marlene.lundqvist@mii.comFinancial ControllerFinance SkellefteåSkellefteå
Annelie Richardson+46 (0)140 38 50 50annelie.richardson@mii.comAdministrationTranås
Linda Pettersson+46 (0)140 38 50 50linda.pettersson@mii.comAdministrationTranås
Jeanette Lindqvist+46 (0)140 38 50 50order.mitekab@mii.comOrderTranås
Peter Koski+46 (0)140 38 53 02peter.koski@mii.comCommercial DirectorTranås
Bo Starby+46 (0)76 833 06 08bo.starby@mii.comArea Sales ManagerSalesTranås
David Josefsson+46 (0)76 235 04 60david.josefsson@mii.comArea Sales ManagerSalesTranås
Peter Cullberg+46 (0)140 38 50 57peter.cullberg@mii.comProduction ManagerTranås
Carina Nyberg Johansson +46 (0)140 38 53 09carinanyberg.johansson@mii.comWarehouse SupervisorWarehouse, DeliveryTranås
Jan-Åke Strömberg+46 (0)140 38 50 59janake.stromberg@mii.comProduction PlannerProduction, LogisticsTranås
Viktor Lithén+46 (0)910 610 478viktor.lithen@mii.comDesign EngineerCalculation Services and Software SupportSkellefteå
Joakim Wänstedt+46 (0)910 610 473joakim.wanstedt@mii.comDesign EngineerCalculation Services and Software SupportSkellefteå
Daniel Eriksson+46 (0)910 610 470daniel.eriksson@mii.comDesign EngineerCalculation Services and Software SupportSkellefteå
Frida Hysi+46 (0)910 610 471frida.hysi@mii.comDesignerCalculation Services and Software SupportSkellefteå
Tim Caswell+46 (0)910 610 476tim.caswell@mii.comDesignerCalculation Services and Software SupportSkellefteå
Hanna Burstrand+46 (0)910 610 472hanna.burstrand@mii.comTechnical WriterSkellefteå
Linnéa Hollström+46 (0)910 610 474linnea.hollstrom@mii.comDesign EngineerMiTek Optics DevelopmentSkellefteå

How to get to MiTek Skellefteå

  • By airport shuttle
    Get off at Hotel Aurum and walk in the opposite direction of the bus. After 100 m, turn left to get to the main entrance.
  • By car from E4 north
    Drive through Skellefteå and cross the bridge over the river. Go straight in the roundabout and after about 800 m, take left at the second traffic light. Turn right at the roundabout and after about 200 m take the exit to the left.
  • By car from E4 south
    Turn right at the first roundabout (by McDonald’s) when entering Skellefteå. After about 500 m take the exit to the right.

Head in through the main entrance of Entreprenören and turn left to find our office.



How to get to MiTek Tranås

  • Via road 32
    Take the exit at the Höganloft junction. Follow the road west for about 400 m and then turn right.